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Know Thyself

This is a 5/14 Week - 2/9 Month - 7 Year

5 is a number that represents action and struggle, mostly with one’s self, faith, and environment. Largely intellectual in nature, it is an inner conflict to sort out one’s own internal being versus the events and circumstances of one’s external environment. “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and God.” (Temple of Apollo at Delphi)

9 is a number of introspection, reflection, contemplation, spiritual wisdom, intellectual discernment, & strategically authentic action.

7 is a number of completions and movement. It also expresses the interconnectivity of God in man. The year 2023 promises to be a year full of excitement and intense challenges. It holds the potential for significant breakthroughs & liberation, or devastating failures & oppression. The determining factor will be the ability of the people to wake up to the awareness of their own divinity and power and to the importance of their connectedness to the world around them.

Look for March, June, & September to be especially volatile months.


Quantum Light Healing®


Jeff Crawford

Nashville's Shaman®

2233 Smith Springs Road

Nashville, TN  37217



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Hours:  M-F 9am to 7pm/Sat 9am to 2pm/Sun 12pm to 4:30pm

Copyright Quantum Light Healing® 2015

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