May 27, 2018Distance Healing class in session.... These healers are really pretty exceptional! — with Janet McCoDistance Healing class in session.... These healers are really pretty exceptional! — with Janet McCormick, Donna Stephan-Tate, LayNa Bolen and Jo-Lynn Greenman at Jeff Crawford - Quantum Light Shamanic Healing.
Distance Healing class in session.... These healers are really pretty exceptional! — with Janet McCormick, Donna Stephan-Tate, LayNa Bolen and Jo-Lynn Greenman at Jeff Crawford - Quantum Light Shamanic Healing.
May 18, 2018Are you coming to the Galactic Expo tomorrow or Sunday? Pre-book Your Sessions Now!See Full Newsletter Here!
May 6, 2018CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioners! CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioners!: Kristen Linton, Ariel McCasland, Donna Stephan-Tate, Vicky Wright, Briana Grinage, and Brandon Wright. Go have a Reiki session with these folks!
CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioners!: Kristen Linton, Ariel McCasland, Donna Stephan-Tate, Vicky Wright, Briana Grinage, and Brandon Wright. Go have a Reiki session with these folks!