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Light Healing®
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With the approach of today's Harvest Moon and with the Fall Equinox, so much that has been hidden or suppressed is bubbling up and can be hidden no longer. Secrets in our world governments and politics, secrets in the catholic church (and by extension, all churches and faiths), and secrets inside ourselves and those close to us are continuing to come out of shadow into the light. The truth will set you free. While uncomfortable at times, the emergence of truth and knowledge brings empowerment, freedom from past constructs, and expansion. On this Harvest Moon, continue your work to release those situations, people, and things which are beyond your control. Exhale and let the old constructs, paradigms, and ideologies drift away into the past where they belong. Breathe in and embrace the new landscape with applied wisdom and anticipation. See with fresh eyes the potential as you recommit yourself to the passions, experiences, and things you long to create. This is an exciting time! I am seeing it each day with my clients and students as they experience more enlightenment, more purpose, more power & more direction. The new landscape and energies are ripe for magic and miracles! Seize the day! Carpe diem! I am grateful to be a part of this journey of assisting others who are stepping into their own power as healers, intuitives, and beings of light. Thank you to everyone who has walked into my office either at my home, at Cosmic Connections, or at one of the many events I participate in each year. The world needs you! - Jeff
Sep 23, 2018
Tarot & Numerology Insights for Week 39 or 2018:
Perspective is the focus of this week. Make it a point to observe how other people are experiencing you and your interactions with them. Think of it this way…. Everyone lives in their own “movie”. In their “movie”, they are the main character and point of view. Anyone else in their lives represents supporting roles. Now is an opportune time to intentionally step outside of your movie and sit with other people in theirs. Experience their world as they do. Experience yourself as they experience you. What do you have in common? What has changed? What can you sense may be the underlying motivations for their behaviors, intentions, and interactions? There is no need to judge what you observe. Just see what is. Perceive more with your heart & intuition than with your logic. Doing so will give you insights into what may be happening behind the scenes that is not obviously apparent. Secondly, focus on your happiness and the happiness of others. Consider creative ways to accomplish both. Don’t shy away from expressing your observations and your feelings. Permit them to be useful as a basis for a new beginning established upon the new realizations. Needless or dramatic self-sacrifice is not going to win you any kudos this week. Dare to live a little impulsively. Allow your personal insights and realizations over the past several weeks to support the expansion of your boundaries, thought processes, and influence. Remember that a great deal of wisdom comes from past failures. Without them, you would not be liberated from outdated paradigms and limitations. Guilt and shame are of no use to you or anyone else. Leave them behind as you move step at a time… Emailed personal weekly forecasts are available for $30 each. Contact me at
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