CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Usui Tibetan Reiki Level 2 Practitioners! Sierra Noel, Heather Renee RJan 13, 2019 Call them for a Reiki session. They are ready!
Congratulations to our newest Tarot readers! : Shannon Rich, Mary Glesige, Janet McCormick, Teresa MJan 6, 2019 Congratulations to our newest Tarot readers! : Shannon Rich, Mary Glesige, Janet McCormick, Teresa Mariscal, Chris Holden, and Chris Netterville (refresher)Super class! Hit these folks up for a reading. I think they will surprise you!@ Jeff Crawford - Quantum Light Shamanic Healing
Congratulations to our newest Tarot readers! : Shannon Rich, Mary Glesige, Janet McCormick, Teresa Mariscal, Chris Holden, and Chris Netterville (refresher)Super class! Hit these folks up for a reading. I think they will surprise you!@ Jeff Crawford - Quantum Light Shamanic Healing