DON'T TELL THEM JESUS LOVES THEM...Aug 21, 2023There's a lot of hate being spread by people who claim to have found love.... Love & hate cannot co-exist in the same heart. A house divided will fall. Politics is not a good reason to betray your own soul. Keep it real.#love #LoveIsLove #LoveWins #NashvilleShaman #QuantumLightShamanicHealing #QuantumLightHealing #unplugged
There's a lot of hate being spread by people who claim to have found love.... Love & hate cannot co-exist in the same heart. A house divided will fall. Politics is not a good reason to betray your own soul. Keep it real.#love #LoveIsLove #LoveWins #NashvilleShaman #QuantumLightShamanicHealing #QuantumLightHealing #unplugged