⭐Weekly Numerology + Tarot Insights 💫 September 17th - September 23rd, 2023 #EternityNow
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap
corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” - Galatians 6:7-8 (NKJV)
“The world, Govinda my friend, is not imperfect, not to be seen as on a slow path toward perfection: No, it is perfect in every moment, all transgression already bears grace within itself, all little children already have the aged in themselves, all the sucklings death, all the dying eternal life.” - Hermann Hesse
“O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” - Francis of Assisi
We are in the 3rd Decan in Virgo/Virgo (10 of Earth) - This is a 38/11 Week - 9/16 Month - 7 Year.
10 is a number that signifies completion of a cycle, karma, coming full circle, death & rebirth, reuniting with source, transitions, one’s wisdom ruling over desires and actions to achieve balance, etc…
11 is a number that signifies two individual elements and the creative tension between polarities. The ability to perceive unadulterated facts without emotional judgements or attachments. A call or opportunity to move beyond one’s ego-centric existence into a higher realm….beyond the profane into the holy. For the one who is ready to dissolve one’s self in pursuit of complete union with the Divine Mind, it marks the path or portal to initiation. On a more mundane level, it encourages one to base their actions and reactions on “just the facts”.
16 is a number that signifies loss of control, spirit falling into materialization, testing of man’s faith & practice against God’s laws, the Refiner’s fire, hubris, the fall, the eye with which man looks outward vs. the eye with which man looks inward to see himself, strong vs. weak foundation, sudden unpleasant shifts that change everything, enlightenment, epiphany, flash of insight, etc…
7 is a number of transitions, challenges, and spiritual growth. 7 can indicate a period of resistance to overcome which can be opportunities for personal development. Mind over matter, or willpower. It expresses the interconnectivity of God in man. One may find themselves in a state of spiritual introspection as they pursue and connect with their higher selves, the Christ within. Thus, a higher perspective is achieved to facilitate strategically meaningful resolutions, rather than simply navigating with the limitation of material circumstances. It is the perfect union of Spirit and matter, the divine masculine and divine feminine, or the material realms and the divine realms. The year 2023 promises to be a year full of excitement and intense challenges. It holds the potential for significant breakthroughs & liberation, or devastating failures & oppression. The determining factor will be the ability of the people to wake up to the awareness of their own divinity and power and to the importance of their connectedness to the world around them.