⭐Numerology + Tarot Insights 💫 January 20th - 30th, 2024 #ClearlyRight
“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” Romans 12:17-18 (ESV)
We are in the 1st Decan in Aquarius/Libra (5 of Air) - This is a 1/9 Month - 8 Year.
5 of Air One man's loss is another man’s gain. Picking your battles. A challenge to think outside one’s self. Is being “right” always the right thing? The temptation to use one’s intellect to take advantage of, cheat, or disenfranchise others.
9 is a number of completion of a cycle, introspection, reflection, contemplation, spiritual wisdom, intellectual discernment, & strategically authentic action, rite of passage, overcoming one’s inner shadow in order to obtain the light, etc…
8 is a number of decisions, power, diplomacy, balance, karma, prudence and intention. It indicates a time to search your heart and conscience before taking authentically strategic action. Mind over matter & spirit over mind. Strategically authentic.