There is so much to share from my recent trip to peru. Upon arriving (and after watching theShipibo soccer tournament) in Peru, I had an evening Ayahuasca ceremony with my brother-in-law Cesar and others. In January, Cesar was featured in an amazing video that shows how a Shaman lives in both worlds. It's an amazing video. Follow this link, see into the world of a Peruvian Shipibo Shaman and be amazed:
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Light Healing®
Oct 5, 2017

THANK YOU to everyone who came to see us at Nashville Pagan Pride Day! With your support, we raised $590 which has been sent directly to the Shipibo tribe in Peru as they continue to recover from the devastating fire and floods from last November and March. I want to especially thank my team who managed my booth! Paul Vazquez, Darren Williams, Elizabeth Aylsworth, Carol Mullins and Michael Crawford. All of them are students of mine and I highly recommend them! Should you wish to contact any of them, find them on Facebook or hollar at me and I will put them in touch with you.
May 3, 2017
May is one of my favorite times of year! Summer is coming and its the perfect time to reconnect with the energy that is flowing all around us. I am pleased to announce that I will be at the Galactic Expo on May 20th & 21st at the Nashville Fairgrounds! If you can make the event I would love to see you. I will be offering Reconnective Healing sessions and Tarot Readings. I will also be selling authentic Shipibo artwork, clothes, jewelry, altar cloths, tapestries and other items that support my tribe in Peru through their difficult time. On November 4th 2016, a fire devastated the indigenous Shipibo Community of Cantagallo, Peru, destroying nearly 300 homes. The survivors escaped with literally only the clothes they were wearing. In March of 2017, the community was hit again by devastating floods. The Shipibo people are still in dire need of clothes. If you have any clothing that you would like to donate, I am collecting donations now and will mail them on May 30th. Everything from baby clothes to adult sizes are needed. The cost to mail the clothes will be astronomical. Should you want to contribute toward the cost for shipping, monetary donations are also very much appreciated. Donations will be accepted at my home office and at Cosmic Connections. I will also accept donations at my booth in the Galactic Expo on May 20th & 21st. For more information, please contact me at (615)848-8574 or by email, THANK YOU!!! -JEFF

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