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Shaman, Founder of Quantum Light Healing®, Reiki Master Teacher, Practitioner of Reconnective Healing® & The Reconnection®, Distance Healer, Animal Healer, Tarot & Numerology Specialist, Pastoral Counselor/ Coach...Your credible,  no-nonsense source for training in the energetic healing arts and psychic ability development










It is no coincidence that you have come across Nashville based Jeff Crawford at this time in your life.  Western shamanic energy healing has arrived at such a critical time on the planet as we are now moving through a shift in global consciousness.  We intuitively sense with the totality of our hearts that the old paradigm is no longer serving us and great change must take place for there to be harmony among humanity and on our Earth.  


Many of you may now be feeling that you are moving into your awakening process with great speed.  You may be sensing old energies, traumas and unhealthy habits holding you back from becoming the person you know you can be.  Working with Jeff Crawford can be an amazing way to find the breakthroughs you are seeking in your life. 


If you feel this call deep in your heart, listen and honor that calling.  When the time aligns for you to experience shamanic energy healing, seize the opportunity. All that has been hidden and unclear to you in your past will soon come into alignment, and you will gain fresh insights like never before.  Know that loving support and guidance are available to you for this incredible journey.


Visit my Calendar page or my FB Events page for updated information on classes and events.



I am seeing clients in my office and online as usual. 


Together we can help you transition from surviving to thriving.


Jeff Crawford has changed my life.  Five years ago I miraculously survived a cerebral hemorrhage, but was left with disabling left side paralysis.  A yoga friend recommended Jeff.  I wasted no time in going for a session.  During the first session I felt unseen hands moving my body.  I was also aware of a lot of light and was given insight into some old patterns of belief that needed to be changed. After the second session, there was measurable, verifiable physical change in my range of motion and gait. My physical therapists were amazed. After session three, I was able to rise off the floor and stand unassisted for 13 minutes in my yoga class! I have more energy and less pain.  I would recommend Jeff to anyone.  It’s a truly transformative type of healing, like nothing I have ever experienced.

                                                                                                                                                                         Pam L, Nashville


Your journey truly begins here.

Contact Jeff for Shamanic Healing, Reconnective Healing®, Distance Healing, Reiki, Tarot Reading or Life Coaching Session today.


Jeff's gifts as a teacher are known

in Nashville's spiritual community.

Join him for Reiki, Tarot, Distance Healing, Psychic Defense Classes and Quantum Light Healing.


Find Jeff at Events in Middle Tennessee and Beyond. Jeff is also available to present his story and his work to your group or event.


Image by Fabian Kühne
The Shaman's Shop

Shop all of Jeff's hand-selsected Shipibo textiles, jewelry and spiritual tools featuring shipping options as well as local pick-up at Jeff's Nashville office. You may also shop Amethyst Mats and doTerra products as aids on your journey of healing.

Now Open!

Quantum Light Healing®


Jeff Crawford

Nashville's Shaman®

2233 Smith Springs Road

Nashville, TN  37217



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Hours:  M-F 9am to 7pm/Sat 9am to 2pm/Sun 12pm to 4:30pm

Copyright Quantum Light Healing® 2015

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